O Camiño dos Faros live

This adventure needs a live television and we are going to do that television every time with our phones.

Tell us about your hiking in this group, upload your videos and photos, contact other trasnos, ask your questions about the way… everything you can think has a place in this group that intends to reflect at the moment everything that is happening on the Camiño dos Faros today.


Before coming

  • Search for Information (first remember to see the page www.caminodosfaros.com) and inform of the small doubts that arise before starting.
  • Search for fellow travellers Share with the group when you want to walk the Camiño dos Faros and ask who joins.
  • Search Offers Get special offers from companies in the area that are active on the channel.

Along the way

When you return home

  • Keep uploading your photos and videos
  • Maintain a relationship with the community, remembering your trip and participating in the group
  • Share Camiño dos Faros with your friends


  • Answer, according to your experience on Camiño dos Faros, the doubts that the backs have in their walk
  • Show this group to the new trasnos that you see walking the path
  • Record a 1-minute summary video-presentation (where they are from, how they got to know this path, what they think it is, what they would highlight …)
  • Upload the video to the Facebook group (with the names and place of origin of the trasnos)
  • Invite them to continue posting to this group on their route.

FOR THE SERVICE COMPANIES IN O CAMIÑO DOS FAROS (accommodation, restaurants, bars, taxi drivers, supermarkets)

  • Show this group of “Camiño dos Faros live” to your customers and explain how it works. They, on their way, are the ones who must feed it.
  • Invite them to post a video or photo
  • Post a special monthly offer for trasnos.
  • Place the group’s poster in a clearly visible place

Un paisaje en cada paso