Before going on, we are going to small stop in Moreira to rest for a bit in this beautiful cove with “bolos” (relatively big-ball shaped stones) and sand. We have already walked the most demanding stretch of the route, 10 kilometers which seemed to belong to a mountain range than a route along the coastline.
From this point, we see how inaccessible is the Ribeira of Viseu. These huge cliffs do not let us walk closer the coast. Consequently, we have to go on walking bordering their summits. It is a pity, of course but on the other hand, as human beings don´t have access, they will never be spoiled.
The beach of Moreira is an oasis in this sea of rocks. The seagulls perfectly know so, and they take a rest as we do before going on towards the next point in our way: Touriñán.